Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wow I think I am a slacker
So apparently I've been slacking. I haven't wrote in a few weeks, and what a crazy few weeks it has been! Where do I start?
We will start with my Carter bug. Mr. big boy turned 2 on July 15th. He had his birthday party here at our house with just immediate family and a couple friends (Already 25 people!) We put up a little tent, blew up the kiddie pool and had some great food. Carter had a blast! Thank you to everyone for attending and your generosity.
Carter has been having issues with goopy eyes, runny nose and just a bit on the cranky side. We took him to the pediatrition a few weeks ago to see what the heck was going on and to confirm our suspicions it was allergies. It was confirmed alright. So the poor kid is now on Claritin in the mornings, Singulair after nap time, and Benedryl at bedtime. It seems to be helping but still not perfect. We have to talk to the ENT next month for his 3 month follow up and the pediatrition wants us to inquire about allergy testing and maybe a different coctail of meds to give him some relief. Otherwise he is a happy 2 year old (Does that REALLY exist?).
Reagan is a piggy to say the least. I attend a breastfeeding mom support group at the hospital and have the opportunity to weigh her every week. SHe was 8lbs 1oz at birth, and now, at 7 weeks, she is 12lbs 3oz.... Miss Reagan is gaining weight really fast, starting to get some arm chub, and is at the 90th% for weight. She is now in 6 month clothes and is doing great. She is averaging waking up once a night, which is quite awesome for mommy :) I am hoping to get our daytime routine better before i head back to work in a week 1/2 :(
I can't believe my maternity leave is almost over. Where has the last 7 weeks gone?! I have one more full week at home then off to work I go. Thankfully I am only working 3 days a week to start off. Todd is taking two weeks off to stay home with her so we can start to transition her away from mommy and onto the bottle.
One of my goals of maternity leave was to lose my baby weight. I am losing, but my clothes still aren't fitting. This is really frustrating for me since I have clothes from sizes 8 up to 14 in my closet... The 14's (although there are VERY few of them) are starting to fit better, but I am so disgusted in myself for still being at 14, after 7 weeks! I only gained 38lbs total this pregnancy (much better than the 85 I gained with Carter), but my belly is so stretched out and gross I get muffin top with pants. I hate feeling this way!
I've been walking at the park every morning after dropping Carter off at daycare, and it's helping but not where I want to be yet. So my good friend Lisa convinced me to run a 5k with her on Thanksgiving day. So this means I should probaby start running. I started a program called couch to 5k... It's a 9 week training program. I started day one today and although it totally kicked my butt, it felt great afterwards! I am really looking forward to pushing myself and enjoying the accomplishment of being a runner.... I hate running....... but I also want to fit in my clothes again, my cute clothes I Finally got into before i got pregnant again :)
Todd has started working 4 days a week, 10 hours a day. He is doing 6am-5pm Mon-Thurs.... although it stinks that he's gone before we wake upin the mornings, but we love having him home 3 days a week with us. The great news is we were able to drop Carter to part time daycare, and Reagan will only be part time. I will be home on Wednesdays, and Todd and I are both home on Friday's!!! I love family time and really love saving a few hundred dollars a month!
So I think you are all caught up. I promise to TRY to blog more.... I hate super long catch up posts. I will add a seperate post with pictures of the kids :)
We will start with my Carter bug. Mr. big boy turned 2 on July 15th. He had his birthday party here at our house with just immediate family and a couple friends (Already 25 people!) We put up a little tent, blew up the kiddie pool and had some great food. Carter had a blast! Thank you to everyone for attending and your generosity.
Carter has been having issues with goopy eyes, runny nose and just a bit on the cranky side. We took him to the pediatrition a few weeks ago to see what the heck was going on and to confirm our suspicions it was allergies. It was confirmed alright. So the poor kid is now on Claritin in the mornings, Singulair after nap time, and Benedryl at bedtime. It seems to be helping but still not perfect. We have to talk to the ENT next month for his 3 month follow up and the pediatrition wants us to inquire about allergy testing and maybe a different coctail of meds to give him some relief. Otherwise he is a happy 2 year old (Does that REALLY exist?).
Reagan is a piggy to say the least. I attend a breastfeeding mom support group at the hospital and have the opportunity to weigh her every week. SHe was 8lbs 1oz at birth, and now, at 7 weeks, she is 12lbs 3oz.... Miss Reagan is gaining weight really fast, starting to get some arm chub, and is at the 90th% for weight. She is now in 6 month clothes and is doing great. She is averaging waking up once a night, which is quite awesome for mommy :) I am hoping to get our daytime routine better before i head back to work in a week 1/2 :(
I can't believe my maternity leave is almost over. Where has the last 7 weeks gone?! I have one more full week at home then off to work I go. Thankfully I am only working 3 days a week to start off. Todd is taking two weeks off to stay home with her so we can start to transition her away from mommy and onto the bottle.
One of my goals of maternity leave was to lose my baby weight. I am losing, but my clothes still aren't fitting. This is really frustrating for me since I have clothes from sizes 8 up to 14 in my closet... The 14's (although there are VERY few of them) are starting to fit better, but I am so disgusted in myself for still being at 14, after 7 weeks! I only gained 38lbs total this pregnancy (much better than the 85 I gained with Carter), but my belly is so stretched out and gross I get muffin top with pants. I hate feeling this way!
I've been walking at the park every morning after dropping Carter off at daycare, and it's helping but not where I want to be yet. So my good friend Lisa convinced me to run a 5k with her on Thanksgiving day. So this means I should probaby start running. I started a program called couch to 5k... It's a 9 week training program. I started day one today and although it totally kicked my butt, it felt great afterwards! I am really looking forward to pushing myself and enjoying the accomplishment of being a runner.... I hate running....... but I also want to fit in my clothes again, my cute clothes I Finally got into before i got pregnant again :)
Todd has started working 4 days a week, 10 hours a day. He is doing 6am-5pm Mon-Thurs.... although it stinks that he's gone before we wake upin the mornings, but we love having him home 3 days a week with us. The great news is we were able to drop Carter to part time daycare, and Reagan will only be part time. I will be home on Wednesdays, and Todd and I are both home on Friday's!!! I love family time and really love saving a few hundred dollars a month!
So I think you are all caught up. I promise to TRY to blog more.... I hate super long catch up posts. I will add a seperate post with pictures of the kids :)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
My new adventure
TUTU's.... What little girl doesn't love dress up in a beautiful TUTU? I know I did!
Here is a sample of what I can make. This one is newborn size, approx 16in around, with a tie front so you can adjust sizing. I am going to be making elastic waist as well with or without a bow for the front, flowers, whatever you want on them.
Newborn sizes are $10, toddler $15 and child size $20... The best thing is to measure your child's waist, decide if you want tie front or elastic wasit.
I can make them as long or as short as you'd like with a variety of color options. I have magenta, light pink, orange, brown, black, yellow, glittery white, blue, you tell me what you want, I can make it!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
2 Weeks Ago.....
I had met my baby girl for the first time. I can't believe two weeks have gone by! She is doing amazingly well, gaining weight and starting to go longer periods of time between feedings. She gets up about 3 times a night to eat, which is much better than every 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours when she was first born.
Carter LOVES his baby sister.... "Sissy" as he calls her. We have a new routine, every morning when he wakes up, Todd bring him up to lay in bed with us before he goes to daycare... Usually Reagan has just eaten or is ready to eat, so she is in my bed too. This morning she was in the pack and play and he was mad! He's doing amazingly well with her and I'm so thankful!
Carter LOVES his baby sister.... "Sissy" as he calls her. We have a new routine, every morning when he wakes up, Todd bring him up to lay in bed with us before he goes to daycare... Usually Reagan has just eaten or is ready to eat, so she is in my bed too. This morning she was in the pack and play and he was mad! He's doing amazingly well with her and I'm so thankful!
Reagan's a model already!
Reagan had her newborn photo shoot last week, at 7 days old. I give all kudos to Nichol Photography! They were AMAZING with her! We will be going back to them for sure! Thought I would share her slideshow!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Reagan's Birth Story
Well here are a few pictures from Reagan's first few days of life outside my belly. I thought I would share our story of my baby girl's birth.
After a night of not much sleep (4 hours to be exact), my alarm went off at 4:30am. I got a shower and packed up the last few min things that I couldn't pack until then and we had a relaxing morning getting ready. We had to be at the hospital at 6am for an 8am csection.
We arrived to the hospital by 6, got checked in, weighed ( I had already lost 4lbs since the weekend of being sick), and we were off to our room. We were in room 436 and I was told to get my gown on, and got all hooked up to the fetal monitors. We went over some paperwork, had some blood drawn and got my IV hooked up. We had a few doctors come in, anestesia came by t talk to me about what to expect with a spinal and a few nurses came in. By this point it was after 7am, and we were just waiting for Dr. D to come and get me for surgery.
Around 7:50, Dr. D came in and asked me if I was ready, any questions ect. I was wheeled down the hall and got into OR at 8:07am. They put in my spinal, and it was HEAVEN! The numbing cream burned but honestly wasn't too bad. Within a few min I was totally numb from the breasts down. It was better than the epidural was last time. I have never had that feeling before that I had ZERO control of the bottom half of my body.
Within about 10 min, Todd was brought in and sat beside me, holding my hand, and they started. Todd got to watch the entire thing, from first incision to last stitch. He was amazed at how rough they were with me, yet I felt nothing but a tiny bit of pressure.
At 8:30am, we heard a tiny muffled scream. The doctors and nurses were all laughing that she was still in her sack, still in my belly, yet screaming. We could hear her already while she was still inside me! I had tears streaming down my face, and at 8:31am, Reagan Eileen made her appearance. She was still screaming and it was the most amazing sound ever. They held her up for me to see her, and she looked exactly like Carter! Todd was told he could go over to the warmer with her while they finished working on me.
Within about 10-15 min Todd rejoined me with Reagan in his arms. I could not get over how much she looked like her big brother.
By 9am we were in recovery, with baby girl in my arms. We nursed within 10 min of being in recovery and she hasn't stopped nursing since :) We were back in our room by 11:30 and had our first visitors starting at 12!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Introducing, Miss Reagan Eileen
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