Friday, January 15, 2010

Baby girl is on the move

So I have been feeling baby girl for a few weeks now, just tiny flutters that I only felt while laying/sitting still and very light. They are starting to become more frequent so that makes me happy. That's one of the things about pregnancy I love.... feeling the baby move is such an amazing feeling.

I go back to the Dr on tuesday for our big 20 week ultrasound to amke sure baby looks good and check measurments and gender check. I keep dreaming they tell me that it's a boy! That would be crazy since we have TONS of girl stuff already! Here's hoping baby didn't grow an appendage since my ultrasound at 15 weeks! I wouldn't be upset if it was a boy though, as long as he/she is healthy!!!!

I am starting the "project nursery clean out" this weekend. Our spare room/storage room is going to be baby girl's nursery and we need to get moving. I am already more than half way there since we will deliver at 39 weeks or before!!!!

So stay turned to next week after the ultrasound! Have a great weekend everyone!

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