Sunday, February 7, 2010

22 weeks and a Big baby shower

So there were 7 of us 2nd (and 3rd and fourth) time mommies pregnant from a mommy group. We decided to have ourselves a big ole' baby shower. We drew names for gift exchange and everyone brought some food. We had a great night of talking, food and presents!!!! Here is a picture of all of us, lined up in order of due dates. Man I am huge compared to these ladies.... The second one in, in black, is pregnant with TWINS and I am bigger than her!


  1. Saturday was fun! And THANK YOU THANK YOU for my gift! I love it!

  2. What a great idea! You all look amazing!

  3. That must be fun for you all to be prego at the same time!! Nice blog, I will definitly visit back often:) I started my own blog about my baby shopping experience being a first time mom (due july 17th, yay!). I am sure you could give some great tips, you should stop by!
