Well not much new has been going on around the Frank household these days. Carter is full fledge crawling now and yesterday while sorting through boxes of clothes, Carter pulled himself up on a box from sitting to standing. I can't believe my munchkin is growing up right before my very eyes. Where did my little newborn go? Although I dont miss sleepless nights at all, I miss my lil man who slept most of the day and stayed where I put him. Now, I set him down and he is on the go! We are also dealing with separation anxiety now, I can't leave the room without him screaming until I come back. He just likes to see me (or daddy) at all times. Luckily he is still napping and sleeping at night.
Todd, My brother in law Brian, and our neighbor Doug and his little boy Trent, pulled 6 huge bushes out of the front of the house. They were the old big square bushes that dated our house. Todd liked them, I hated them. My mom is a landscaping guru so she said she will help me with plants and shrubs. I am looking forward to having it all done, right now it's a big pile of dirt. I have the mulch ready and waiting for the planting to happen. Can't wait! It will give our house a great new look!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
We had an awesome family filled Easter. We started the morning around 6am when I started getting ready for 8:00 mass before Carter woke up. He woke up around 7 and we let him play with his easter basket. He got new sippy cups, sandals, bibs, binkies, a hat and sunglasses. He enjoyed pulling everything out of the baskets! We went to 8am mass, followed by the annual Frank Family easter egg hunt at Todd's aunt and uncles house. We left there by 10:30, and headed south to my parents where we had an awesome lunch with the Grimm and Rozsa sides of the Family. Carter got to see the Easter Bunny "helper" and enjoyed a few pictures with him.
We got home around 6:30 and were all pretty tuckered out, but had a great Holiday!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Growing up TOO fast

Carter's new thing is standing. He always wants to be standing, either holding on to our fingers or the couch or the coffee table. He can finally stand while holding onto the couch or coffee table without assistance. I guess this means he is one step closer to standing alone, and then walking.... YIKES..... He is still not crawling, unless you count scooting backwards. He gets up on all fours and rocks, and then scoots backwards, but hasn't figured out the forward motion yet. He gets super frustrated, but I am still happy he's not that mobile. He rolls all around to get where he wants, but it's slow enough I know what he is up to before it happens....
Where did my baby boy go??
Monday, April 6, 2009
What a weekend
So, Todd and I got to get away this past weekend. One of Todd's good friends from college got married (HOORAY Dave and Andrea!). My parents stayed at our house with Carter. My mom came around 10am so I could go get my hair cut. I had a little bit of time to pamper myself. Todd and I left around 1:30 sat afternoon and went to the wedding and reception and stayed in a hotel. It was hard to leave him, especially overnight, but I knew Todd and I needed a night away. We enjoyed ourselves, I called and checked in 3 times (That's all my mom would let me call, I had 3 tokens haha), and we had a great night. I think it helped reconnect Todd and I, and it made me a better mom to have some time away.
When we got home on Sunday morning, the smile across Carter's face when I walked in the door made it all worthwhile.
When we got home on Sunday morning, the smile across Carter's face when I walked in the door made it all worthwhile.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Another not so dull day
So I had to take Carter in for a follow up with his doctor. He has another ear infection and his breathing and coughing has gotten worse since yesterday. It turns out he has a severe broncial infection with the start of pneumonia. So we started breathing treatments today and will continue them every 3 hours for 5 days.
I then had an apt with my doctor. I have broncitis and an ear infection that just isn't going away. I started meds and an inhaler.... AWESOME
I then had an apt with my doctor. I have broncitis and an ear infection that just isn't going away. I started meds and an inhaler.... AWESOME
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
This should be interesting.... I am answering these all about Todd
1. He's sitting in front of the tv. What's on the screen? Sports of some kind, ESPN, and right now Basketball
2. You are out to eat. What dressing does he get on his salad? Ranch or cesear
3. What's one food he doesn't like? anything with mushrooms or tomatoes
4. You go out to a bar. What does he drink first? depends, if it's lent he gets jack on the rocks. If not he gets something on tap
5. Where did he go to high school? Marlington
6. If he were to collect anything, what would it be? Video games
7. What shoe size does he wear? 11
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? Ham
9. What would he eat every day if he could? Pizza or chicken
10. What would he never wear? Anything that makes him look "like a homo."
11. What is his favorite sports team? Browns, Cavs and Buckeyes
12. What is something you do that he wishes you didn't do so much? get mouthy :)
13. How many states has he lived in? Just OH
14. What is his heritage? German, Irish, French
15. You bake him a cake for his birthday. What kind of cake would it be? He's not a cake kinda guy, so I would say brownies
16. Did he play sports in high school? football, basketball and track
17. What could he spend hours doing? video games and watching movies
1am wake up then visit to ER

So Carter woke up around 1 am, unhappy. I fed him and he went back to sleep until close to 3am, when he woke up in a coughing fit. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to find him in a coughing fit, gagging and just sobbing. I scooped him up and tried to soothe him back to sleep, no luck. I ended up putting him in bed with Todd and I for a bit more sleep. HE dosed off and on, coughing and crying. Finally at 4:30 he woke up again coughing so hard it made him throw up. He started sobbing more, so I brought him down to change his clothes and try to calm him down.
After about 15 min of not being able to console him, still coughing, I decided to take him to the ER. So after waiting 2 hours to even see a Dr, they send him for a chest Xray after hearing something in his left lung. The chest X ray was horrific for me, he laughed at the tech. They had to strap him in this chair that reminded me of an electric chair. His arms up, strapped to the board. They ended up having to do the x ray 3 times as the machine was malfunctioning. All while my munchin sit all strapped to a chair with his arms above his head. I couldn't help but have tears running down my face.
Another hour later, it came back Carter has pneumonia. So they started him on an aggressive antibiotic and said I need to follow up with his dr by Friday for a recheck. If it's not better, or worse, we will talk about the next step. (they mentioned breathing treatments).
So, life is never dull these days...... Now if only I can get some sleep, since I am working on 3 hours and a bunch of coffee.
Here is a picture of Carter's big adventure at the hospital.
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