Sunday, March 14, 2010

Crazy Week 27

Well I welcomed my 27th week with spending almost 5 hours in labor and delivery Wednesday night (27w2d). I had been having back pain all day, came home from work to take it easy and just felt awful. I noticed I was spotting around 4pm, but I waited to do anything to see if it was going to continue. At 7pm I was still spotting so I called the OB office and the on call nurse called back. She went over all my symptoms and past history of high BP and said I needed to go to labor and delivery.

So I left the house around 7:30, Todd stayed home to get Carter to bed and wait for his brother to come over and stay. He met me at the hospital around 8:30. I was all hooked up to monitors and the BP cuff. BP was up, which I expected with all that was going on. It did come down though. I was showing contractions on the monitor, hence the back pain. After a very painful cervical exam, it was determined I had an infection, which was causing the contractions, since they can cause preterm labor, and the bleeding. Around midnight I was sent home and told to follow up with my OB and a script for an antibiotic. I was kinda surprised they didn't take any blood, give me any IV fluids or an ultrasound. But hey, I'm not the professional.

I woke up Thursday morning feeling pretty crappy, but I took Carter to the babysitter (Thank You Lisa), went to Aultman for my glucose test to see if I have gestational diabetes, then to the pharmacy to get my antibiotic. I went home and took a nap, since I only got about 4 hours of sleep the night before.

I saw the NP at the OB office, where I had another cervical exam, she was able to see the source of the bleed, which was on my cervix. She said she thought it was caused just from irritation from the infection, but wanted an ultrasound to be sure that was all it was. So, back to the waiting room until I got an ultrasound. Hannah was moving around like crazy, and everything looked normal. She is est to weight 2lbs 6oz. "Normal" or "Average" for 27 weeks is about 1lb 9oz-2lbs. So it looks like she is on the bigger side of "normal".

So basically I was told that I might still have some spotting and contractions until the infection is gone. Apparently it is normal to have one course of meds not take care of it, and we will address it at my Apt in 2 weeks to check to see if it's still there. I will also call in on Monday to let them know how I am doing and I can get the results of my glucose test as well. FIngers crossed I passed!

1 comment:

  1. Infections are definitely no fun during pregnancy...especially when they cause contractions! The first time I was in L&D for an infection they didn't give me an IV or draw blood either.

    I hope you are feeling better and I was very glad to hear you passed your glucose test!

    Now you just need to tell your pregnant body to start behaving...heehee...too many of us have issues!
